Thursday 24 January 2013

Art works for FYP game

Here are some of the artworks I did during the FYP (Final year project) games.
Some were being used, while some were later on edited or changed as the theme we had changes.

These are the 5 different types of cargos that I did for the Cargo Flux game which are to be travelling on the conveyor belt.

This is the cargo flux game poster done by my team mate while the logo of the "Cargo Flux" is being done by me.

This was drawn by me, supposingly to be put inside the game of Cargo Flux as it gives a more real effect of someone controlling the conveyor belt of where the cargos are moving to.

These are few of the buttons I did which indicates the pressing for the player so that it will allow the correct cargos to go through the conveyor belt. I did other colours like purple, pink, green too.
So the difference of the 2 same colour buttons, but one with "X" in it is, the button will appear to be just blue first, then when the player clicks the button,it will just turn with a "x" which indicates the cargos can be passed through the place.

Did some buttons for the theme "futuristic" for the player to start the game, pause, etc.

Tried and did some different backgrounds for the cargo flux, but was later part changed to a simpler one which is more futuristic and clean.


new backgrounds for futuristic theme. We're going for abstract, clean, colourful.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Fly with Travis

Fly with Travis
This is an analog game that is designed by my whole FYP team (LINEAR).

The player has to travel from start to end within 15 steps.
(game pieces, tokens, currency etc etc)
The first step that the player takes will be 1 step regardless of moving forward or diagonally.
// normal diagonal move is 3 steps
By default, the plane is facing right, and to the direction of the plane, the card directly in front is revealed.

From then onwards, every “Forward”, “Left” or “Right’ will be counted as 1 step,
However, moving diagonally will be counted as 3 steps.
// make sure the players know which direction the plane will be facing after the move

The bombs represent the obstacles, the rectangles represent the “blockage” and the hearts represent the bonus. (UHM I THINK REMOVING OF THE CARD WITH THE BLOCKAGE WOULD BE BETTER)
The line represents the perfect way to reach the destination within 15steps.
The numbers on the bombs have different type of effects.
1 = penalty of 2 steps
2 = penalty of 5 steps and MUST move right and face right (in this perspective shown on the picture)
// specify direction the place faces
3 = penalty of 2 steps
4 = penalty of 2 steps and must move Right
The blue heart will let them regain 6 steps back.
// say what the player should do if they hit an obstacle

Cargo Flux

Cargo Flux
This is a digital prototype designed together by my FYP team.
The switches of the colours will be more enhanced by adding more of it and switching into other random colours once the player has successfully insert one of the cargo correctly.

This is digital prototype designed initially with our previous idea.

Our final idea

Sort the cargos to their designated areas by changing the flow of the conveyor belts. Do so within a certain limit of time and within 3 lives to proceed to further levels of difficulty and the more cargos that you sort, the more points you get!

Using the mouse, hover on the arrow keys which determined the direction of flow of the conveyor belts. Click the left mouse button to activate the arrow keys and change the direction flow of the conveyor belts.

Game rules:
Lives – The player is only given 3 lives per level. If he/she makes a mistake by sorting the
                             cargos into the wrong cargo area, 1 live will be taken away to pay for that mistake.
                             Once all lives are used up even while the time limit is still on going, the player has
                             failed that level and the level will be restarted.
Score – The player gains 10 points for each correct cargo sorted into their designated area.
                                No points will be given to wrongly sorted cargos. The player has only a certain time
                                limit at each level to try and score as much points as possible. The scores will be
                                tabulated at the end of each level to show the player how much he/she had scored.
Time – Each level has different time limits for the player to clock. This affected by the
                             difficulty of the level. Once the time limit is reached the game is instantly stopped
                             and the player will be brought to the next level, which is only if the player still has
                             lives left.

Cargo Flux GDD here:
Click here to download the game:

Click here to see the showreel of the game:

Click here to see the rule book of the game:

Friday 13 January 2012

Railway Magnate Boardgame

This is an analog game produced by my team members and I.
Team: Bryan, Elliyana, Satria, Joel and Eileen.


Game Concept
It is a 2-player game where players race to build stations in order to form a route from the start to the finish. After which, the players will attempt to move along the route to the finish. Another alternative way would be to build as many stations as possible.

Target Audience
The game is designed for players aged 13 to 17. As such, we try to make the game rules as simple as possible, while making sure that it is still engaging enough with interaction between players.

We find that 13-17 years old is the time where they start to come into contact with such games (think Monopoly) and we felt that it will be good to have some form of strategy in our game. Even so, the deck forms some form of luck which means that players can only strategize with what they have, and try to read the other player's actions and play-style. This game is designed to be easy to pick up, and the Wild cards are not meant to be too punishing such that it will demoralize the other player.

Game Goal
There are 2 ways players can try to win the game.
  • Build stations that can lead the player token from START to FINISH
  • -Build 8 stations first

The reason for multiple win conditions is that players might be stuck and not getting to draw the station(s) that they want/need to form a route from START to FINISH. Therefore, we want to try and balance the game around not penalizing players because of luck.

Game Setup
  • Lay out the game board
  • Shuffle the deck of cards
  •   Each player places their player token on their respective starting spot.
  • Each player starts the game with 4 cards in their hands.

Games rules
  • The game is on a turn-based system
  • Each turn has 3 phases: the Draw Phase, the Main Phase, and the Discard Phase
Draw Phase
This signals the start of the turn. The player draws 2 cards from the deck.

Main Phase
This phase is where the player does his/her actions. Each player has 3 Action Points (AP) to spend during his/her turn. Once a player has 0 AP left, the Main Phase immediately ends.

  • Each card played from the hand uses 1 AP.
  •  Each horizontal/vertical movement of the player token uses 1 AP.
  • Each diagonal movement of the player token uses 2 AP.
  •  Players can do a combination of card-playing and movement, as long as the total AP usage does not exceed 3.
  •  Players do not need to use any APs for the turn.

Discard Phase

This phase signifies the ending of the turn. The player checks to see if he/she has more than 7 cards in hand. If he/she does, he/she discards down to 7 cards. If not, the turn ends and the other player takes his/her turn. Discarding does not incur any APs.
Players can ONLY discard excess/unwanted cards during the discard phase, and ONLY if they have more than 7 cards in their hand.

  • Players cannot play cards OUTSIDE of their turns
  • Players have to build a station FIRST before they can move onto it; if an empty plot of land separates the player token from a station, the player CANNOT jump over the empty plot
  •   If a station is destroyed and the player token is on it, the player token is moved back to START
  • There is NO change given in the game; if a player is required to pay $3M but the player only has a $5 million card, he/she HAS to use the card to pay
  • If a player token is at either station M, N, O or P, the player needs to have at least $10 million in his hand before he can make the move to the line
  • Once the player has $10 million in his hand, he will move the player token to the finish line and pay his $10 million; the 3 AP restriction does not activate in this situation
  • Moving to the finish line requires 1 AP

Wild Cards mechanics

Your opponent chooses a station you don't already control. You gain control of the station.
The opponent has to choose a station that he/she has built, but you have not.
If the opponent's player token is on the station that is chosen, the player token is moved back to START.
If the player has no stations built, the card is simply put into the Discard pile.

Resource Sap
Your opponent discards 2 cards from his/her hand.
If a player has only 1 card in hand, the player discards his/her hand.

Lock Out
Your opponent loses a turn.

Set Fire
Choose a line of stations (horizontal, vertical or diagonal).
For 1 turn, your opponent cannot build any stations on that line, or move to or from any stations in that line.
If a player token is on a station that is being Set Fire, the player cannot move the token out of the station until his/her next turn.

For each $4 million paid, destroy 1 station built by your opponent.
If a player token is on the station(s) that is being destroyed, the player token is moved to START.
The maximum number of stations that can be destroyed is 3 (since only $12M is achievable) 

Pay $6M and choose a plot of land. If there is a station on the chosen plot of land, destroy the station.
No stations can be built on the plot of land for the remainder of the game.
If a player token is on the station that is being destroyed, the player token is move to START.

 Rulebook of our game

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3
Page 4

Page 5

Page 6

Click to watch how the game play.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Environment thumbnails

Attempt on environment thumbnails!

Interactions between 2 archetypes

2 thumbnails each for 2 characters of different archetypes.
1 composition of 2 characters in dynamic poses, interacting with each other.
Characters chosen: White Bone Demoness 白骨精(Shadow) and Zhu Bajie 豬八戒(Helper)
Both characters can be found in the 'Journey to the West'.

White Bone Demoness

Zhu Bajie

Composition of 2 characters interacting.
Form of interaction: The white bone demoness is using herself(talking, body posture) to seduce the Zhu Bajie. By comforting the Zhu Bajie too, to get his attention.

Stylized character

Develop stylized character based on Sun Wu Kong of Journey to the West myth
Target audience: 16 to 21 years old
Comic format

3 poses and 2 facial expressions.
Added: Cape, prints on the cape and rod, collar

First pose

Second pose

Third pose

Two facial expressions:
Smug and wink respectively