Thursday, 24 January 2013

Art works for FYP game

Here are some of the artworks I did during the FYP (Final year project) games.
Some were being used, while some were later on edited or changed as the theme we had changes.

These are the 5 different types of cargos that I did for the Cargo Flux game which are to be travelling on the conveyor belt.

This is the cargo flux game poster done by my team mate while the logo of the "Cargo Flux" is being done by me.

This was drawn by me, supposingly to be put inside the game of Cargo Flux as it gives a more real effect of someone controlling the conveyor belt of where the cargos are moving to.

These are few of the buttons I did which indicates the pressing for the player so that it will allow the correct cargos to go through the conveyor belt. I did other colours like purple, pink, green too.
So the difference of the 2 same colour buttons, but one with "X" in it is, the button will appear to be just blue first, then when the player clicks the button,it will just turn with a "x" which indicates the cargos can be passed through the place.

Did some buttons for the theme "futuristic" for the player to start the game, pause, etc.

Tried and did some different backgrounds for the cargo flux, but was later part changed to a simpler one which is more futuristic and clean.


new backgrounds for futuristic theme. We're going for abstract, clean, colourful.

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